Customer service: 1300 365 241


The wound closure specialists

Vets pay too much for sterile packaged sutures. SilverGlide provides you with a comprehensive range of quality sutures at a very reasonable price. Our world class veterinary supplies for wound closure are second to none in the industry.

Looking for sutures for a specific purpose?



Silverglide sutures for horses


Silverglide sutures for cows


silverglide dental sutures


silverglide cruciate ligament sutures

Choose from Absorbable or Non-absorbable sutures


Looking for ABSORBABLE Sutures?


Click here to see the selection of absorbable sutures


Looking for NON-ABSORBABLE Sutures?


Click here to see the selection of non-absorbable sutures

Vets talk, SilverGlide listens

The insights you have shared with us from your surgical experiences has enabled us to produce many combinations that we trust will make wound closure an easier, less costly exercise for all practices, such as:


Talk to us today about what we can do for you.

Follow us on Instagram

Launching Zarasyl Equine barrier cream #bainfallon Come down for a free sample

Launching Zarasyl Equine barrier cream #bainfallon Come down for a free sample ...

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@Ava2023 The SilverGlide team 💕

@Ava2023 The SilverGlide team 💕 ...

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Honoured to have time with “Gillie” at our stand tonight. Thank You. #ava2023 #measuementsforcomparison

Honoured to have time with “Gillie” at our stand tonight. Thank You. #ava2023 #measuementsforcomparison ...

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@austvetassociation @silverglide_sutures

@austvetassociation @silverglide_sutures ...

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Veterinary aid work Nusa Tenggara barat Province Indonesia
February 2023
Students and staff from the University of Melbourne’s  Faculty of Science have been delighted and honoured to return to the Gili Islands and Lombok in Nusa Tenggara barat Province Indonesia
Following an invitation from the dean of the Lombok veterinary school in UNDIKMA university Drh Kholik we participated in clinical teaching incorporating veterinary aid and culminating in world spey day activities in Lombok and neutering and rabies vaccination of tens of street dogs and cats.
The team also examined and treated many hard working and highly valued ponies on Gili Trawangan and Lombok islands with local and Melbourne students belonging to grateful locals

Veterinary aid work Nusa Tenggara barat Province Indonesia
February 2023
Students and staff from the University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Science have been delighted and honoured to return to the Gili Islands and Lombok in Nusa Tenggara barat Province Indonesia
Following an invitation from the dean of the Lombok veterinary school in UNDIKMA university Drh Kholik we participated in clinical teaching incorporating veterinary aid and culminating in world spey day activities in Lombok and neutering and rabies vaccination of tens of street dogs and cats.
The team also examined and treated many hard working and highly valued ponies on Gili Trawangan and Lombok islands with local and Melbourne students belonging to grateful locals

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Proud to be at the AVSA Expo Night in Roseworthy #avsa

Proud to be at the AVSA Expo Night in Roseworthy #avsa ...

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Quill Suture Demonstration #silverglide #bainfallon2022

Quill Suture Demonstration #silverglide #bainfallon2022 ...

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#bainfallon2022 @equinevetaus #fluroglide #silverglide

#bainfallon2022 @equinevetaus #fluroglide #silverglide ...

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FluroGlide at Bain Fallon #fluroglide #bainfallon2022 #silverglide

FluroGlide at Bain Fallon #fluroglide #bainfallon2022 #silverglide ...

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NOW AVAILABLE: Quill™ Veterinary barbed sutures

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