Who is SilverGlide?
It has been my observation over recent years that veterinary practices have been obliged to pay inordinately high prices for their sterile packaged sutures.
As a consequence, SilverGlide™ has been established to provide veterinarians with a comprehensive range or premium quality sutures at the lowest possible cost.
SilverGlide needles and suture materials have been sourced from long established manufacturers in the United States, Europe and Asia who have been trusted suppliers for more than 30 years.
They are delivered to you with our absolute confidence in their quality, construction and performance.
Should you like to see other needle/suture combinations added to our offering, I would welcome any suggestions you would like to make.
You can email us here »
Carrick Teasdel

Humble beginnings
Carrick Teasdel, a cattle grazier from Australiaʼs Central Highlands was figuring on a long and peaceful retirement. That was until he observed his local vets performing surgery on large animals.
For much of his life Carrick had been an importer of U.S. Sutures for use in Australian hospitals, dentistry and general practices.
Watching vets operate on horses and cattle, it was obvious that these surgeons were facing surgical challenges for which there were no purpose built sutures. The crossover from swaged sutures designed for human surgery, to small animal surgery had been seamless; but for large animals, not so much.
After consultation with Australian bovine & equine surgeons, Carrick and his two daughters, Annaliesse and Julia have created more than 30 new needle/suture combinations exclusively for large animal surgery.

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